A passion for experiencing our world...


By Andrew Lannerd, Vice President & Tour Director for Transcendent Travel


Is it for prestige, wanderlust or the desire to understand different cultures? Why do people long to travel internationally?

For me it has always been the need to look at the world - not from a black and white standpoint - but to have a life filled with a library of memories. I never feel more alive than when I travel overseas and question that which seems “normal”. Travel should be seen through the lens of awareness, understanding and variety.

When I travel, I long to have experiences that are unique, special and memorable. Anyone can buy a ticket to this or that attraction, but to experience that backdrop in a special manner always sticks with us longer. It could be a curator-led tour or perhaps a service at a famous cathedral instead of going thru as a tourist. Whatever it is, wouldn’t we rather it be special and unique?

10 years ago, when on one of my typical jaunts to London, I noticed the locals horse riding in Hyde Park, so I immediately started researching how I might do that myself. Two days later, I arrived at the stables and was enjoying the experience myself of riding thru that famous Royal Park. That experience is something I will never forget.


Here are some tips to make your own journey one that is experience-based:

  • Check to see if your destination has a local “Timeout” guide. Timeout guides are great for telling you what the locals are enjoying.

  • Visit meetup.com and join a group while on vacation. A great way to meet locals with similar interests.

  • Check out the local walking tours – and take a look at online reviews to compare guides.

So start building your own library of unique travel memories. Next time – take the road unknown, do something different and think of how you can add some special experiences to your trip.